Ni fethodd gweddi daer erioed

(Ffyddlondeb Crist - Rhan I)
Ni fethodd gweddi daer erioed
  Â chyrraedd hyd y nef,
Ac mewn cyfyngder, f'enaid, rhed
  Yn union ato ef.

Ac nid oes cyfaill mewn un mân,
  Cyffelyb iddo'n bod,
Pe baem yn chwilio'r ddaear faith
  A holl derfynau'r rhôd.

Ymhob rhyw ddoniau mae e'n fawr,
  Anfeidrol yw ei rym,
Ac nid oes pwysau ar ei râs
  Na'i haeddiant dwyfol ddim.

Mae ei ffyddlondeb fel y môr,
  Heb fesur a heb drai,
A'i drugareddau hyfryd sy'n
  Dragywydd yn parhau.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Ballerma (François H Barthélémon 1741-1808)
Christchurch (<1905)
Dunfermline (1651 The CL Psalms of David)
Martyrdom (Hugh Wilson 1766-1824)
Rowena (Cyril Anthony)
St Leonard (Henry Smart 1813-79)
St Peter (A R Reinagle 1799-1877)
Saron (Thomas Hughes 1870-1910)
Solomon (<1905)

  Rhan II - Anturiaf at ei orsedd fwyn
  Agorwyd pyrth y nefoedd wen
  Cyflawnder nerth cyflawnder gras
  Iesu yw 'Mrawd a 'Mhriod pur
  Iesu yw tegwch mawr y byd
  Mae'r orsedd fawr yn awr yn rhydd
  Mor hyfryd mynd o dwrf y byd

(Christ's Faithfulness -Part 1)
An earnest prayer never failed
  To reach as far as heaven,
And in straits, my soul, run
  Directly to him.

And there is no friend anywhere,
  Comparable to him existing,
If we should search the vast earth
  And all the limits of the sky.

In all kinds of gift he is great,
  Immeasurable is his force,
And there is no weighing of his grace
  Nor his divine merit at all.

His faithfulness is like the sea,
  Without measure and without ebbing,
And his mercies are delightful
  Continuing eternally.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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